0.1.3: Transfer to starling-lab

TL;DR: ✏️ Transferring repository from batflyer/starling_theme to starling-lab/starling-theme.

This patch is being applied to finalize the move from github.com/batflyer/starling_theme to github.com/starling-theme. The rename is done to ensure that names are consistent between the package hosted on PyPi and the name associated with the GitHub repository.

Since the imported package uses underscores (in accordance with Python’s syntax requirements), the source folders will still use the starling_theme convention.

This mainly affects the setup.py script, with minor tweaks to hyperlinks and directions in the associated documentation (specifically the README.rst, documentation/source/developer_guide/01_development_environment.rst, documentation/source/index.rst).

Updated: Wednesday, December 19, 2018